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Psychic Katharina - Tarot Card Reader - AstrologerTAROT CARD READER KATHARINA

To compose your horoscopes I use the source texts of astrologer Sirius De Graeve, and of course my own astrological experience. I use elements from both traditional and modern astrology. As a result, my horoscopes and methodology belong to the post-modern school of the 21st century.

I offer all horoscopes such as different annual horoscopes (transits), birth horoscope, relation horoscope,... My annual horoscopes are very popular, they are always in promotion. Please mail for more info.

I do not only make predictions, I also look at your possibilities, abilities, and to what extent you yourself can give direction on your life path.

Further; combinations of Tarot, Lenormand, Gypsy card readings and astrology are possible for all other consults. You can ask for psychic readings, fortune telling as well as intuitive readings, personally I like to mix it up.

For horoscopes and consults: always give your date of birth, birthplace, and if known your birth hour.